Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Not all help is equal

I'm working on my showcase project and am feeling like poking my eyes out at times! I'm enjoying learning to use the podcasting tools, but NOT ALL HELP IS EQUAL. I'm using the help button in blogger but it is lacking in some areas. So I decided to ask a human to help me because there is something about collaborating with someone to figure things out. We worked on it together for a couple of hours, passing ideas back and forth and finally figured it out using some help from other web sites and our brains together. It made me think about how important collaboration is and that technology is good but only when you can use it properly. Some tech geeks explain things in a limited way assuming that we all understand at the same level. Anyway I just wanted to highlight the importance of us still working together as humans and talking face to face to collaborate rather than just using technology as in Google Docs, human conversation can lead to great accomplishments. I think we are loosing that a these days.

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